AAPRA home page
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Welcome to the AAPRA web site!
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What's New...


The AAPRA web site has moved to: members.optusnet.com.au/aapra as the previous domain at www.aapra.org.au is no longer working.


Thankyou to all of you who took advantage of the stock sellout and made it very successful. All stock has now been sold and is in the hands of purchasers. At the committee meeting on 15th April the final accounts were presented and it was resolved that the distribution to nominated clubs would commence. Cheques will be sent out to those fourteen clubs in the next couple of weeks. Thankyou for your patience while we finalised the financial affairs of AAPRA. We trust that the beneficiaries will made good use of the funds for the promotion of amateur radio.

Further stories may be found in the AAPRA NEWS archive.

Our History...

The Australian Amateur Packet Radio Association (AAPRA) was formed in April 1985 with an initial membership of ten. The Association took steps to close down in 2003 due to the difficulty of forming an effective committee with many intending to retire and no new blood on the horizon. At that time the membership numbered around 100. At the peak, the membership reached around 300, encompassing all Australian states and territories and several overseas countries, a truly multi-national organisation. The Association was formed for persons interested in the science and technology of Packet radio communications and all associated interests. Over the years, AAPRA has produced many publications including an introductory booklet about packet radio.
Meetings were held by the committee once a month.

Our Mission...

AAPRA exists to promote and encourage the use of Packet radio by amateur radio operators in Australia. Services offered by the Association include:

Our Newsletter...

The Association (a non-profit making group) produces a quarterly newsletter DIGIPEAT informing members of the latest local and overseas developments and achievements including technical articles on equipment modifications and updates. Publication dates are: early April, July, October and late December.

Packet Radio

New to packet radio? This section's for you...
Tell me what is packet radio? How do I get started on packet?

General information

Networking and ROSE (R.A.T.S Open System Environment)

TNC - Terminal Node Controller

BlakPak logo

AAPRA Products

Commercial Products

BayCom logo
PacComm logo
MFJ logo


Membership of the association has now closed.

Contact Us!

Australian Amateur Packet Radio Association
59 Westbrook Ave, Wahroonga, NSW, Australia, 2076
E-mail: aapra at optusnet.com.au
Phone: (02) 9489 4393

There have been: accesses since 4/7/04

Last update to this site: 4/7/04
Comments on this site can be sent to: aapra at optusnet.com.au for Gerard Hill
Entire site copyright © 2004 A.A.P.R.A

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