
CSQ Summary

CSQ Summary

The following is a proposal from Bruce Prior N7RR for a signal reporting system based on Copyability-Strength-Quality (CSQ) , and as an alternative to the traditional Readability-Strength-Tone (RST) system.

C or Copyability

Nno recoverable signal \(^{*}\)
0discernable but not copyable \(^{*}\)
1-910% to 90% copy
GGood 100% copy, but short of perfect
PPerfect armchair 100% copy or full quieting on FM

\(^{*}\) For Copyability reports of N and 0, no Signal Strength or Quality reports are needed.

S-Meter or Signal Strength

0no S-meter reading
1-9S-1 to S-9
A1 dB to 10 dB over S-9
B11 dB to 20 dB over S-9
C21 dB to 30 dB over S-9
D31 dB to 40 dB over S-9
E41 dB to 50 dB over S-9
F51 dB or more over S-9


Xcharacteristic steadiness of crystal (Xtal) control or eXcellent quality
RAC Ripple or buzz in transmission
CChirp or tail on make and/or break
Kkey clicKs or other Keying transients
OOvermodulation or Overdeviation in phone or digital modes


P6Ofor a PSK-31 signal: perfect 100 % copy at S-6, but overdeviated
93Xfor a CW signal: 90 % copy at S-3 with excellent quality
G7Ofor an SSB signal: Good but less than perfect 100 % copy at S-7, but overmodulated
PAXfor an RTTY signal: perfect 100 % copy about 10 dB over S-9 with excellent quality
P6Xfor an FM signal: full-quieting 100 % copy at S-6 with excellent quality

RST Summary

For comparison with the proposed CSQ system, here are the definitions for the traditional RST system.o

R or Readability

2Barely readable, occasional words distinguishable
3Readable with considerable difficulty
4Readable with practically no difficulty
5Perfectly readable


StrengthDescriptionHF SignalV/UHF Signal
1Faint signal, barely perceptible-121 dBm-141 dBm
2Very weak-115 dBm-135 dBm
3Weak-109 dBm-129 dBm
4Fair-103 dBm-123 dBm
5Fairly good-97 dBm-117 dBm
6Good-91 dBm-111 dBm
7Moderately strong-85 dBm-105 dBm
8Strong-79 dBm-99 dBm
9Very strong signals-73 dBm-93 dBm


1Fifty cycle a.c or less, very rough and broad
2Very rough a.c., very harsh and broad
3Rough a.c. tone, rectified but not filtered
4Rough note, some trace of filtering
5Filtered rectified a.c. but strongly ripple-modulated
6Filtered tone, definite trace of ripple modulation
7Near pure tone, trace of ripple modulation
8Near perfect tone, slight trace of modulation
9Perfect tone, no trace of ripple or modulation of any kind

The following letters can be optionally suffixed:

Xstable frequency (crystal control)
C“chirp” (frequency shift when keying)
Kkey clicks

RSQ Summary

For digital work, the Readability-Strength-Quality signal reporting system is sometimes used.

R or Readability

10 % copy - undecipherable
220 % copy -occasional words distinguishable
340 % copy - readable with difficulty, many missed characters
480 % copy - Readable with no difficulty
595 % + copy - Perfectly readable


1barely perceptible trace
3Weak trace
5Moderate trace
7Strong trace
9Very strong trace


1splatter over much of the spectrum
3multiple visible pairs
5One easily visible pair
7One barely visible pair
9Clean signal - no visible unwanted sidebars